The Garden in January


a picture of pupils working in the garden in january
The garden looked very sad because it had been covered in snow
 and ice while we were on our Christmas holidays.
  • The first thing I saw was the cabbage.
  •  It was green and a bit nibbled.
  • I think the slugs nibbled it.
  •  I also noticed a tiny red cabbage at the bottom.
    We also saw fennel seeds.
  • We tasted the seeds and they reminded us of liquorice.
    Suddenly Eve discovered a dead magpie. Niall the caretaker  said he would bury the dead magpie.

Collecting Fennel Seed


picture of students sorting fennel seeds

On a dry day at the end of autumn we cut off the withered flower

heads of the fennel plants and carefully put them into a paper bag.

We brought them inside.

We put some old newspaper on the table.

Then we rubbed and shook the flower heads until all the fennel seeds were on the newspaper.

There was a strong smell of fennel in the classroom 

picture of fennel seed

Later we put the seed into an envelope to preserve them for next year. In the spring we will pant some of the seed. Some people ate a seed.

  • Revolver Map
