
 The pupils in Fourth class were studying caterpillars this term. They brought two Cabbage White caterpillars into the classroom. They looked after them every day and fed them cabbage leaves. Unfortunately the story didn;t end as planned. They made a PhotoStory to tell their tale. They called the story The Adventures of Bob the Caterpillar.

You can learn more about the parasitic wasp by watching the movie below

However be warned this is a gruesome story.

Caterpillars and Moths

Tori and Carmen went caterpillar hunting and were lucky to find some unusual specimens. One looked very exotic and we discovered that it was the Grey Dagger caterpillar.

a picture of the caterpillar of the Grey Dagger Moth

The Caterpillar of the Grey Dagger Moth

Can you see the dagger like shape on on its back?      Click here to see the Grey Dagger Moth   


We thought that this very hairy caterpillar would grow into an exotic butterfly but we discovered that it was the caterpillar of the Buff Ermine Moth.

 Click here to see what the Buff Ermine moth looks like


a picture of a very hairy caterpillar that we found in the garden

The caterpillar of the Ermine Moth

October Flowers


picture of flowers still blooming in October

 It’s mid-October but there are several wild flowers growing in our vegetable garden. The flowers  above are  Feverfew, Cornflower ,our radishes went to see during the summer holidays and these are the flowers Poppy and Corn Marigold

Escape of the Bumble Bee

We were just about to leave the garden when Eve spotted a bumble bee trapped under the netting that we had used to protect the cabbage from the cabbage while butterfly, and some local birds.

a picture of a bumble bee trapped under the netting

Bumble bee trapped under netting

We lifted up the metting and allowed the bumble bee escape.

The bumble bee was very lucky that we noticed it

 a picture of a bumble bee on the potatoe stalk

The Bumble Bee is walking on a potatoe stalk

Creepy Crawlies in the Garden


a picture of creepy crawlies in the garden

These are picture of some of the wildlife that we have found in the garden recently

An earthworm , a leather jacket (the larvae of a daddy long legs)

the caterpillar of the the grey dagger moth, a centipede, a snail, a beetle and a spider.

The picture of the spider is enlarged so that you can examine the intricacies of the design of its web

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