The Garden in May

The grounds of Scoil eoin are looking their best in the month of May We made a PhotoStory to record this.


We were very fortunate to have a fantastic crop of strawberries this year.

Watch the slideshow to see what we did with them

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Creating a Garden

We are fortunate in Scoil Eoin to have large grounds that were planted with deciduous trees many years ago. The trees enhance our school attracting birds and other wildlife to our school grounds as well as providing many environmental benefits Hidden away at the back was a piece of waste ground that had lain neglected since the school was constructed. Our plan was to transform this derelict area into a garden. An area of approximately 21 square meters will be developed into a vegetable and herb garden with an area set aside for compost bins at the end.
Our objectives are :
  • To create a natural environment.
  • Teach children to develop pride in their school and to appreciate the natural environment.
  • Turn a piece of waste ground into an attractive looking wildlife habitat.
  • As well as looking attractive it will encourage a wide range of insects a potential source of food for other wildlife into the garden.
  • Support the Science curriculum.
  • Provide an opportunity for the pupils to interact with living plants.
  • Ensure that when they become adults that they will consider the needs of wildlife.

The Garden Before and After


before and after images of the garden

Preparing the Site

Preparing the site was the most difficult part. Darragh and Frank worked for

 hours and hours removing rubble, rotovating and raking until our site was

 prepared and ready for planting.

 Finally they laid slabs to that we would have place to stand when we were

working in the garden.

picture of a man raking the soil 

a picture of the rotovator used to rotavate the soil 
This is a picture of the rotovator that they used.
It was very heavy and you needed lots of strength to control it.

Planning Our Garden

picture of Chloe's plan for the garden

Chloe's Plan for the Garden


fourth class pupils working on their designsIn January we started exploring the site, discussing various options, making sketches and plans and thinking of all the vegetables and flowers that we would like to grow.

Bidemi designed this garden

Bidemi's plan for the garden

When we returned to class we drew pictures of out designs.

This garden was designed by Bidemi

  • Revolver Map
