October Flowers


picture of flowers still blooming in October

 It’s mid-October but there are several wild flowers growing in our vegetable garden. The flowers  above are  Feverfew, Cornflower ,our radishes went to see during the summer holidays and these are the flowers Poppy and Corn Marigold

Wildflowers in June

In June the waste ground near the Dart station is a riot of colour. Daisies,red and white clover and buttercups are all growing in the tiny patch of ground

a picture of wildflowers growing on waste ground

WildFlowers in June


measuring the circumference of the sunflower stem 

In May the pupils in Senior Infants and 1st class sowed sunflower seeds.
They planted out the sunflowers in the garden. The sunflowers grew very tall
during the summer holidays.
When we came back to school we were a bit disappointed because the sunflowers
 weren’t in bloom. We think that the bad weather delayed the flowers.
This week we were very happy to see that the sunflowers had started to bloom.

finding the height of the tallest sunflower plant
  • I measured the tallest plant 
  • I discovered that it had grown 2 metres 70 centimetres in 14 weeks.
  • The stem of the sunflower is coarse and hairy.
  • I used a piece of string to measure the circumference of the thickest stem.
  • It was 12 centimetres.
  • When the sunflowers finish blooming we will leave them there so that the birds can eat the seeds.
  • Picture of some of our sunflowers

    Here is a picture of some of our sunflowers.

    Infants Grew Sunflowers

    The children from Senior Infants grew sunflowers. They planted out the

    sunflowers at the beginnning of June.The plants reached up to their knees.

    picture of sunflower plants in June

     When they returned in September the sunflowers had grown much taller than

    the pupils

    picture showing how tall the sunflowers had grown

  • Revolver Map
