Our Potatoes


a picture of some pupils digging potatoes

Digging the Potatoes

We planted a very special variety of potatoes called Sarpo Mira. We choose this variety because they are supposed to be almost blight free.

Our potatoes grew very fast over the summer holidays. They have big green stems and leaves and some of them have white flowers with orange centres. I noticed that some of the leaves have a problem. In the beginning I though they had got blight but then I discovered that it was black spot.

I am looking forward to the day when we will be digging up the potatoes. We hope to weigh our crop to measure how much potatoes we grew. Then some of the members of our club will have to cook them. I am looking forward to tasting them as I haven’t eaten Sarpo Mira potatoes before.

picture of the sarpo mira potatoes

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